On the Principle of Effective Stress and its Application to Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils
Prof. N. Khalili
The University of New South Wales
Land Reclamation and Marine Ground Improvement Methodologies in Singapore
Prof. Leung Chun Fai
时间:2017年4月14日(周五) 上午9:30-12:00
1.On the Principle of Effective Stress and its Application to Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils:
The effective stress principle is one of most fundamental contributions to the field of continuum mechanics. It converts a multi–phase, multi–stress state porous medium to a mechanically equivalent, single-phase, single-stress state continuum, thus allowing the application of the principles of continuum solid mechanics to fluid-filled deformable porous media. In this presentation, the principle of effective stress in unsaturated soils is discussed, and some of the major misunderstanding as to its application to mechanics of multi-phase media are highlighted. In particular, the validity of the relationship proposed by Khalili and Khabbaz for the determination of the effective stress parameter in unsaturated soils is examined. It is shown that quantitative predictions of shear strength and volume change in unsaturated soils can be made using the effective stress concept. The uniqueness of the critical state line in the deviatoric stress – effective mean stress plane for saturated and unsaturated soils is also discussed, and the incremental form of the effective stress parameter is derived.
2. Land Reclamation and Marine Ground Improvement Methodologies in Singapore
1. Khalili教授:
Professor Khalili has extensive experience in the field of geotechnical engineering both as a consultant and as an academic/researcher for more than 25 years. Prior to joining The University of New South Wales in 1993, Professor Khalili was responsible for managing the geotechnical group in the Chicago Office of the consulting firm Dames & Moore. He is currently the President of the Australian Association for Computational Mechanics (AACM), a member of the Institution of Engineers Australia, and a member of Australian Geomechanics Society. He is also a core member of the International Technical Committee on Unsaturated Soil (TC106), representing the Australasian Region. Professor Khalili’s research interests lie primarily in the areas of mechanics of unsaturated soils, soil plasticity, and mechanics of multi phase multi porous media. He is the recipient of many prestigious international awards including: Chandra Desai Medal from International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG) in 2014 and Valliappan Medal from International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) in 2016.
2. Leung Chun Fai教授:
C.F. Leung博士是新加坡国立大学土木与环境工程系教授,国际土力学和岩土工程学会(ISSMGE)的岩土物理模拟技术委员会主席以及国际海洋和极地工程学会(ISOPE)的岩土技术委员会主席,英国土工杂志 (Geotechnique)和其他几个国际岩土和海洋工程杂志的编委。梁教授活跃于国际岩土领域,是ISO移动自升式钻井平台Spudcan基础的技术委员会成员。梁教授1977年获英国利物浦大学学士学位(1977)和岩土工程博士学位(1981)。1981年加人新加坡国立大学土木工程系,从事教学和科学研究工作至今。主要研究方向包括近海、海洋和陆地的岩土工程,特别是在土-结构相互作用、近海spudcan基础和海洋深层水管道和地锚。梁教授现阶段的研究方向包括节理岩体力学,为新加坡计划建构地下洞室群准备岩石力学基础。梁教授已在国际岩土和海洋工程类期刊上发表了近百篇SCI论文。梁教授也活跃于岩土工程实践。他是新加坡注册岩土工程师和英国特许土木工程师。他曾担任新加坡和其他国家的100多个大型土木工程项目的岩土工程顾问,参与的重大工程项目包括大士新集装箱码头,樟宜机场第三跑道和5号航站楼,以及大士巨型集成船坞。梁教授目前担任新加坡工程师学会管理委员会主席,新加坡国家技术委员会土木和岩土工程分会成员。