题 目:Geopolymer Concrete: A Sustainable Cement based Concrete for the Future
报告人:Pro. Jay Sanjayan
Swinburne University of Technology
时 间:2016年4月20日(周三) 上午10:30-12:00
地 点:深部岩土国家重点实验室305报告厅
Discussions on sustainable use of resources should include concrete which is the most highly consumed material without a major option for re-use or recycling method. The amount of virgin materials consumed for concrete making is unprecedented and rising very rapidly with the worldwide infrastructure boom. Carbon emissions from Portland cement manufacture is second only to the emissions from the use of fossil fuels. Many of the technologies of producing cements from waste materials, such as fly ash and slag as resource materials have been known for several decades.However, commercial implementations of these novel cements are only taking place in recent years. The paper outlines the major technological advances in Geopolymer Concrete which is made without any Portland cement in the concrete mix.
Geopolymer is a broad term currently used to describe the alkali activated fly ash, slag or combination of both. Professor Sanjayan will outline his and his co-workers work in the area during the last two decades and significant progress that have been made worldwide in this area of research. The presentation will also cover many practical applications of geopolymer in Australia during the last decade and the current performance of these structures.
These cements have great potential to be used as a building material alternative to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) concrete because their strength, stiffness and other mechanical properties are comparable to OPC concrete. This new generation of concretes are currently attracting increasingly widespread attention because their manufacture does not directly create carbon emissions like OPC concrete. The main base materials for these concretes are slag and/or fly ash, which are industrial by-products from blast furnace and coal power stations. The presentation will describe the past research in this area and future research needs to fully utilize this new material effectively in construction.
Jay Sanjayan is the Director of Centre for Sustainable Infrastructure at Swinburne University of Technology and Professor of Concrete Structures. Jay held the position of the Honorary President of RILEM in 2015. Jay was the Chairman of the Concrete 2015 (www.concrete2015.com.au); previous Chairman of the Editorial Board of Concrete in Australia journal; Editorial Board member of Construction Materials Journal, Institution of Civil Engineers, UK and Associate Editor, Materials and Structures (a Springer journal).
Jay has published 231 publications including 124 journal papers with a current H-index of 21 and citations more than 1500 in the areas of fire resistance of concrete, geopolymer concrete, concrete materials technology and design.